4. ENDINGER NOTENLESE - Klassikfestival
The 4th Notenlese 2023 celebrates the human voice.
In the first of the two concerts "In goldenen Abendschein getauchet" with the wonderful mezzo-soprano Mareike Morr, you will experience (folk) song and chamber music of the Romantic period in autumnal-golden timbres. Here the timbre of cello, clarinet and piano mix with that of the dark-warm female voice.
In the second concert, fans of note reading can look forward to a reunion with the celebrated soprano Sarah Maria Sun.
"Tell Me The Truth About Love" - the love song programme for soprano, clarinet and piano is a racy and humorous ride through the epochs and genres: from Schubert to Gershwin to Ligeti; from romantic art song, jazz and musical to theatrically experimental for ear and eye.
Leitung: Kilian Herold
Eintritt 21 €, Kombiticket 40 €
Vorverkauf ab Mai bei Buchhandlung Vollherbst-Koch (Endingen) Tel.: 07642/49702-50 und bei Reservix
Weitere Infos unter www.musikforum-kaiserstuhl.de